The InControl 12 consists of a relay unit and a 12-key keypad. The keypad can be remotely mounted or installed on the relay unit. Each independantly configurable key controls a relay which, in turn, applies power to an output device. The InControl 12 can control up to 12 output devices. It uses high current, automotive grade relays to ensure reliable operation and minimize maintenance.
A DIP switch allows the operation of each key to be configured for momentary control (device is ON while key is pressed) or latching control (device is ON when key is first pressed and OFF when key is pressed again).
Each key has a three-color backlight to indicate the output status. Keypad legends are interchangeable for easy customization. There is also an audible key-press beeper, which can be configured on or off.
The control circuits provide feedback to a microprocessor to verify power is applied to the outputs as directed. If failure is detected, due to a blown fuse or other malfunction, the associated key will flash. Diagnostic LEDs on the relay unit also indicate the actual output state